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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

test post 9/6/06

this is a test of the posting posting posting system. this is only a test. test link will you find the one true thing? when you wish upon a start. where else can all brethren behold the speakeasy in the sky? pluto golden spooky cool. veggie options in San Francisco abound under the Golden Gate. Supernatural zebras play jump over the leaping quiet sliders.

all else fails

when you are facing middle age. buy a sports drink. eat more. sleep less. kehoe is the cutest dog. you are sure of that hat. fox jumps over the lazy brown log. squid ipod lorem ipsum justice treatise walking man running rabbit. log cabin. swinging sweetly. growth antifungal superb. aquatic tiger river seeks same. give them forests, growth during prepare taxation kelp times given beneath.
posted by ewee at 5:22 PM 1 comments